For the fans of knitting. Or sweaters and scarfs. Or weird hats.
A logo for a knitting store in Colorado. Rocky Mountain High indeed.
O.K., here’s my space shuttle in Los Angeles photo.
I was actually closer than it looks. Like an airplane beauty pageant as it passed in front of me in various directions.
The Great Gatsby. Jack White. WOW x 2! A most effective trailer.
Skyfall. James Bond. The Clock Starts.
Mr. Heimann’s Event: The Donkey Show?!
Not to worry… it’s tourist photos in Mexico, if you were/are a long time resident of SoCal you went to Tijuana, and were photographed with an ass. No, not your brother in law. A donkey painted like a zebra. Strange ritual, for all Californians, one of the many. Mr. Heimann has documented this ritual in […]
Marketing a Creative Business, item #2 on the list.
New website- check, marketing said website and business- check soon. Marketing Mentor came to my attention through some link as I was wandering the wasteland that is the world wide web (the wasteland I love, I might add) I may do this in the near future. Thoughts?
Dennis Hopper shoots Andy Warhol…and Mao? One of my favorite recent news items. I read different things about why Mr. Hopper shot his Warhol, this article states that Mr. Hopper thought Mao was actually in the room with him or following him with his/its eyes as he walked around the room. Another said…look around the web for all the stories. […]
Apple Opensource Page
I spent sometime over the last weekend going over the opensource applications for the Mac, after a friend (who is PC just switching over to the Mac, asked me about free -yeah he’s a PC guy- word processing software) while there I took a look through the Graphics/Imaging section, these jumped out at me as […]