A series of four screenprint posters, the first Coriolanus (Ed.150) and the second Much Ado About Nothing (Ed. 55), are on sale now and the others will be available in the near future. They are “imagined” William Shakespeare film posters as if The Curtain theater, a movie house in Elizabethan England, showed films based upon his plays. A credit block at the bottom of the poster names the “creators” of the film, like a contemporary movie poster there is a production designer as well as a visual effects company and others. Along with the imagery, there are quotes from the text of the plays and other asides. They are 19 x 25 inches in size, printed on French Paper Construction 100# cover stock in Recycled White. Each poster also contains unique title lettering or a font created for the poster by astroluxtype. Posters can be trimmed down by 1/2 inch on all four sides, so as to fit in a standard pre-made 18 x 24 inch frame. Posters are on sale now for $55.00USD each. Shipping is $16.95USD for one poster shipped to the USA . Shipping is free on purchase of more than two posters. Please inquire as to international shipping fees and shipping reductions on multiple purchases. Use the purchase buttons below, you will be taken to PayPal for checkout. NOTE: This artwork is copyrighted with the US Copyright Office and cannot be used in any way without written permission from the artist. Thank you for your interest.